bXg in Washington Blade

Dyana Bagby writing for the Washington Blade interviewed Christine Bakke and me about bXg and the upcoming Ex-Gay Survivor Conference. Her piece, Ex-gay not OK, tells some of the history of the bXg website and the thought behind it.
IN SPRING 2005, CHRISTINE Bakke contacted Toscano after attending one of his performances. The two struck a dialogue about their experiences, eventually deciding they wanted to do more to help others like them who “survived” their ex-gay experiences to finally embrace being gay.Christine and I talk about the upcoming conference, which will be held in Irvine, CA June 29-July 1, 2007, in the same city at the same time as Exodus' annual ex-gay conference.
The result of their talking is Beyondexgay.com, a website that went online April 2 and shares stories of others who tried to become ex-gay but finally accepted themselves for who they are.
"Our conference is a loving response to their message that to be acceptable to God, one has to change an inherent trait,” Bakke said. She spent more than four years trying to change her sexual orientation, including moving to Denver in 1998 and participating in an ex-gay program affiliated with Exodus.Christine also talks about just how unique bXg is,
“[Our conference] is our way to tell ex-gays, ‘You don’t have to do this to yourselves,’” she said.
BAKKE SAID THAT Beyondexgay.com is the first of its kind — most other ex-gay organizations are watchdog groups.So have you visited bXg yet and signed up? Are you coming to the conference?
“Up to this point, the only ex-gay survivor group that existed was a small, almost defunct, Yahoo e-mail list. Ex-Gay Watch has done important work being a watchdog for the ex-gay movement, and I’m thankful they exist,” she said. “But it’s not a place where an ex-gay survivor can go to connect with other survivors, find support and healing, and work through the harm they’ve experienced.”
It's great that the word is getting out about bXg and the survivors' conference this summer. Props to you and Christine for leading the effort to put these resources together! As a recovering ex-gay guy, I've benefited greatly from bXg (as well as the refreshing breath of air I get whenever I read your blog). Looking forward to meeting everybody at the conference in June!
Congratulations, y'all! I hope you have a big turnout at your conferences, until they aren't needed anymore. :-)
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